Mental Health in College
When making the choice of which college to attend, we look at academic standing, sports, extra-curricular activities, cost, location and the overall experience at that specific university.
Does access to mental health care need to come part of that equation?
The desire to fit in, be part of the community, and be successful can be overwhelming to a student, especially when that student has spent so much time and energy preparing for their “ideal” college. They may have put so much pressure on themselves and maybe feeling pressure from their family to be successful at all costs. And they may not know what to do if they are not successful.
Dealing with any type of mental issue may not be something these students are equipped to handle. At least not on their own.
Does an institution of higher learning have an obligation to support a student in all aspects of their college experience, including access to mental health care? And should this be worry free for the student so they feel confident they can get the help they need without the potential loss of everything they have worked so hard to achieve?
Perhaps access and availability of mental health resources needs to become a much bigger part of the college decision process. The college experience should support all aspects of education, including mental health care, if we truly want to prepare our students for the world.