Interested In A ‘Damp Lifestyle’? These 11 Habits Will Get You Started
In a recent article about “Damp Lifestyle” in the Huffpost, writer Krissy Brady does a reasonable job of identifying the issues around a safe relationship with alcohol. Unfortunately, she then misses the most important reason while people get into trouble with managing their intake.
In the article encouraging people to “be honest with themselves” about their alcohol intake, it is exactly this element that leads people to unhealthy levels of drinking. When someone uses alcohol to manage feelings, they often find it effective, available without a prescription, and socially acceptable. The dilemma is that you will believe whatever rationalization you come up with to keep drinking if you like the way you feel when under the influence of alcohol.
Therefore, I recommend that you discuss what healthy alcohol consumption looks like with someone who can remind and support you with your won accountability to your consumption standards while you are sober. Otherwise, you become judge and jury in a lifestyle decision that could have tremendous impact on your well-being.